Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Silver Linings

It's amazing what can happen in just three and a half months.
Today was my last day at my current job (which of course frees me up for my new job!). This was one of those situations where I expected to duck out quietly, because hey, I've only been there a few months, so I haven't made an impact, and ducking out quietly is appropriate for the situation. There were other plans though.
As I came back from my desk after a small break, I noticed a beautiful bouquet/plant and some cards. As I read the cards, I started getting really teary-eyed, for they were from the people I went through training with, the people on my team, a manager, and even the woman who runs the cafeteria. These people are definitely people I felt an almost instant bond with when I started, and today it became apparent that in just three and a half months, I've made friends that will last a lifetime. The company that I'm leaving is blessed to have them, and I'm blessed to have met them.
I'm truly touched by their thoughtfulness, and their excitement for my new position, and I can only hope that in time, I can impact their lives as much as they've impacted mine.



Blogger Keith Strohm said...

Congratulations on your dream job! And don't be surprised that your coworkers did what they did--you are an amazing person! :)

April 26, 2007 at 8:47 AM  

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