Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tag! I'm It!

It seems that Jessica found the way to get me to post again, by tagging me! So, here goes:

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Finding a job
2. kids
3. deepening my faith
4. finishing the move (I miss my stuff that's still in Seattle!)
5. seeing my friends in Seattle!
6. getting super healthy
7. watching the amazing things Keith will do in his new job
8. rekindling some old friendships

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Met with my spiritual director
2. Had lunch with my husband
3. watched our wedding video
4. drank ginger ale out of a champagne flute
5. changed lightbulbs
6. spent way too much time on facebook
7. saw a kids production of The Velveteen Rabbit
8. played with the dogs

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. learn to forgive myself
2. play the piano
3. live in two places at once :) (but only if Keith could too)
4. be better about praying
5. travel as much as I used to
6. knit
7. update my blog more frequently!
8. be the perfect wife for my husband.

8 Shows I Watch:
1. So You Think You Can Dance
2. The Soup
3. Glee (when it's on again)
4. Pushing Daisies (wish it was still on)
5. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?
6. Don't Tell the Bride
7. Say Yes to the Dress
8. The Muppet Show (on DVD)

I tag April and Keith
