Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pushing Daisies will know

*Sigh* Why ABC, why? Why did you have to pull the plug on this gem of a show? Finally, I was enjoying a show that was light-hearted yet dark, funny yet moving, campy yet extremely well-written, and had a cast of zany characters, all who make you care about them.
ABC, you didn't give this show a chance. It was a fledgling when the writer's strike happened. It was an unfortunate (yet deserved) occurrence. Your mistake was waiting as long as you did AFTER the strike was over. That's when you sealed the show's fate. You had no chance of regaining the audience you had by making them wait THAT long. And you're ending the series on a cliffhanger? How cruel can you be? I hope you make good on those "rumors" of a Pushing Daisies movie.
To the cast and creative team of Pushing Daisies...thank you. Thank you for letting me into your wonderful, imaginative, colorful world for an hour each week. You will be missed.
I guess it's either back to watching poorly written, poorly acted, lewd potty-humor on TV, or not watching it at all. least until 24 starts up again!



Blogger Jessica said...

Are you kidding? I loved Pushing Daisies. As usual, as soon as you have a show that's quirky, well-done and different then all the usual TV drama,they pull the plug. I hope the movie rumors are true...

November 27, 2008 at 11:29 AM  
Blogger Debbie said...

Time for a marathon!

December 2, 2008 at 7:29 AM  

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