Monday, January 11, 2010


It seems that I not only have problems with December, but January as well. For the second year in a row, I got back from the holidays, and was laid off. It's hard enough to lose your livelihood once, causing you to move accross the country, but to have it happen twice in one year is a bit of a shock.
I'm taking this as a warning to slow down and regroup. I need to spend more time with God. I need to get things in the house in order. I need to reconnect with people that I haven't had time to connect with. While the finances will be a struggle, it is a blessing to be able to get the rest of my life back on track, and to get my priorities straightened out.
I am blessed to have a network of amazing people around me to support me. And ultimately, I am grateful to have this time to set aside to devote to the important things in life.
I am praying for everyone who is facing struggles in this economy. I ask you to pray for me too.



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