FINALLY in the Christmas Spirit
It only took until Dec. 22nd, but I'm finally in the Christmas spirit!
It's been so hard for me this year to focus on Advent and and the meaning of Christmas. I had a Christmas event to plan at work, which kind of made me sick of the commercial part of the holiday. It also took time away from decorating my own house (which isn't getting done this year) and Christmas shopping. I even took a day off from work to shop, and it didn't help. I wandered around tons of stores, and everything I saw just seemed like junk. Also, with the radio stations playing Christmas carols since BEFORE Thanksgiving, I'm already sick of them.
All of this changed yesterday.
One of the girls that I work with had a Christmas party at her house. It was there that the spirit came back. As I sat around having fun with my co-workers, I looked around the room and realized how many good friendships I've found at my place of employment. I'm not talking about typical co-worker friendships. I mean actual friendships, and it was humbling. I'm so grateful for the job I have, not only because I love it, but because it has brought people into my life that I couldn't imagine being without anymore.
My heart just swelled with Christmas. I looked around, and just appreciated the decor, the food, the music, and most of all, the people. Carolers even came to the door, and we all joined in singing. It was the perfect Christmas moment.
The spirit spilled over into today, as I was able to complete my Christmas shopping. This was no doubt helped by the fact that my "bah humbug" attitude had been wiped away.
Most importantly, it's left my heart open to reflect on why I celebrate Christmas. Had I done this sooner, I think the commercialism wouldn't have gotten to me so much. The one gift that Christmas is all about, is really all I need. That love is greater than any earthly love that I'll ever know. And that love, is what filled my heart both yesterday and today.
Thank you God, for the gift of your Son. May I always remember that He is in my heart, and may my heart always be ready to accept His love.
It's been so hard for me this year to focus on Advent and and the meaning of Christmas. I had a Christmas event to plan at work, which kind of made me sick of the commercial part of the holiday. It also took time away from decorating my own house (which isn't getting done this year) and Christmas shopping. I even took a day off from work to shop, and it didn't help. I wandered around tons of stores, and everything I saw just seemed like junk. Also, with the radio stations playing Christmas carols since BEFORE Thanksgiving, I'm already sick of them.
All of this changed yesterday.
One of the girls that I work with had a Christmas party at her house. It was there that the spirit came back. As I sat around having fun with my co-workers, I looked around the room and realized how many good friendships I've found at my place of employment. I'm not talking about typical co-worker friendships. I mean actual friendships, and it was humbling. I'm so grateful for the job I have, not only because I love it, but because it has brought people into my life that I couldn't imagine being without anymore.
My heart just swelled with Christmas. I looked around, and just appreciated the decor, the food, the music, and most of all, the people. Carolers even came to the door, and we all joined in singing. It was the perfect Christmas moment.
The spirit spilled over into today, as I was able to complete my Christmas shopping. This was no doubt helped by the fact that my "bah humbug" attitude had been wiped away.
Most importantly, it's left my heart open to reflect on why I celebrate Christmas. Had I done this sooner, I think the commercialism wouldn't have gotten to me so much. The one gift that Christmas is all about, is really all I need. That love is greater than any earthly love that I'll ever know. And that love, is what filled my heart both yesterday and today.
Thank you God, for the gift of your Son. May I always remember that He is in my heart, and may my heart always be ready to accept His love.