That is how Keith and I spent our Saturday. 'Nuff said!
We've finally moved into our more permanent apartment. It's really big and really pretty and has a fabulous view. (We are surrounded by forest). We and the dogs have been enjoying it here. It's also been fun for me to decorate in a different style. I'm working with Keith's furniture (which is beautiful), but it's not the same style as I had at home, so it's been really fun, and a bit of a creative outlet for me, to work with decorating in a different style.
It was hot and sunny for the past week or two, but then turned cool and rainy. I just can't get used to wearing a jacket in August!
People here are really friendly. Everyone in our building is great. Actually, one family here fell in love with Qila and Orion, and went out and bought a husky puppy yesterday! The thought that our crazy dogs could inspire anyone to get a husky is just too funny. Anyway, we had a doggy play date today. Qila did really well, but we'll wait until Aries (the new puppy) is a bit bigger before he plays with Orion. (Aries is only 7 weeks old...and sooooo cute!)
I feel very welcomed by both my team at work and all of Keith's friends. If the weather is good, Keith and I will be going up to Mt. Rainier this weekend. Other than that, we're just both hard at work.
I miss everyone!
I find it interesting that my family back in Illinois had tornados today, yet I'm the one that ended up in the Emerald City.
Ever since I was a little girl watching the Wizard of Oz for the first time, I've wanted to go to the Emerald City. Well, now I'm here.
My family had a wonderful goodbye party for Keith and I. I'll be posting pictures in the coming days. It was an emotional evening, but it was so good to see everyone and so wonderful to know of all the support that we have. It truly is a blessing.
So, driving around today, it was sunny (yes I'm telling the truth) and Mt. Rainier was gorgeous!!!!! I've been to Seattle a few times, but seeing the mountain never fails to be breathtaking. It's so imposing and beautiful at the same time.
Our temporary apartment is really nice, and we have a beautiful view of the Cascades (I think) from the Living Room and balcony.
Our dogs just landed at Sea-tac, so we are anxiously awaiting their arrival here!
I miss everyone!!!