I know I should be sleeping right now. I am, however, much too excited to sleep. I find myself anxious (in a good way), nervous, overwhelmed, and indescribably excited, all at the same time.
Excitement aside, I had a wonderful weekend. The weather was gorgeous! Friday night, I got to overdose on scrapbooking with some friends. Saturday I spent the whole day hanging out with my mom and the dogs. We found some great garage sale bargains! Today was the bridal shower for my dear friend Kristin, which was wonderful; after which Keith and I had a barbeque at our house, and then a late-night Dairy Queen splurge with our neighbors.
SHOULD be exhausted, but that's the thing about looking forward to something. The adrenaline wins out over sleep every time. I can honestly say I've never looked forward to a job this much...ever. I have so many ideas floating around in my head already. Hopefully I'll get to put some of them to use!
It's amazing what can happen in just three and a half months.
Today was my last day at my current job (which of course frees me up for my new job!). This was one of those situations where I expected to duck out quietly, because hey, I've only been there a few months, so I haven't made an impact, and ducking out quietly is appropriate for the situation. There were other plans though.
As I came back from my desk after a small break, I noticed a beautiful bouquet/plant and some cards. As I read the cards, I started getting really teary-eyed, for they were from the people I went through training with, the people on my team, a manager, and even the woman who runs the cafeteria. These people are definitely people I felt an almost instant bond with when I started, and today it became
apparent that in just three and a half months, I've made friends that will last a lifetime. The company that I'm leaving is blessed to have them, and I'm blessed to have met them.
I'm truly touched by their thoughtfulness, and their excitement for my new position, and I can only hope that in time, I can impact their lives as much as they've impacted mine.
I'm home from retreat, and back to the everyday. Being on retreat is like a little piece of heaven. It's a chance to get away from all the earthly temptations, and spend time with the Lord. I'm always amazed at the things He reveals to me while on retreat. I feel spiritually refreshed, and reassured of the scope of His love for me.
I'm also always amazed at how much I learn from the teens. Their faith is inspiring and their openness to sharing their journey touches my heart. I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to spend this time with them.
Now I am back to Earth, physically, but spiritually I'm still resting in the arms of the Lord...and that's a great place to be.
First, I want to say thank you to all of you for the well-wishes regarding my new position. I'm still more excited than you know.
Now, on to my other (and first) love. My faith. This weekend I will be on retreat with the teens from my parish. I'm really looking forward to all of us being there, away from our everyday distractions, to completely focus on God. I'm excited to have the opportunity to talk to everyone, and share my faith journey with them, and help them to explore their own. I of course will not be blogging while I am there, but I ask that everyone pray for us, and for the teens in particular, that they have a profound experience of their relationship with Jesus.
I will try to post again tomorrow before I leave, but if I don't, you'll be hearing from me again Sunday night.
I can't think of a more fitting first post for my new blog.
It's the Easter season, a time of new beginnings. So, for my first post to my new blog, I present to you my new job.
While I was not unhappy with the job that I'm currently at, something came along that makes my heart leap for joy! Starting on April 30
th, I will officially be the Arts and Special Events Coordinator for the Elk Grove Park District. I will be doing the theatre program, the music program, the arts and crafts program, the summer concert series, and special events. For those of you who know me, could there be a more perfect job for me? I'm anxiously awaiting my first day. I can't wait to get started!