Bork Bork Bork!

Unyune-a vhu knoos me-a prubebly knoos thet I em un efeed Mooppet fun. I theenk thet Jeem Hensun ves a creeteefe-a geneeuoos. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Tu thees dey, I cun vetch zee oold ipeesudes, und zee creeteefity nefer feeels tu estuoond me-a. My lufe-a fur zee Mooppets ves insteelled in me-a et a fery yuoong ege-a by my perents, my ded ispeceeelly. Bork bork bork! Oone-a ooff hees fefureete-a cherecters (und meene-a es vell) is zee Svedeesh Cheff, su in treeboote-a tu heem, I hefe-a pusted thees in Svedeesh Cheff-ise-a.
In case you had trouble with it, here it is in English:
Anyone who knows me probably knows that I am an avid Muppet fan. I think that Jim Henson was a creative genious! To this day, I can watch the old episodes, and the creativity never fails to astound me. My love for the Muppets was instilled in me at a very young age by my parents, my dad especially. One of his favorite characters (and mine as well) is the Swedish Chef, so in tribute to him, I have posted this in Swedish Chef-ese.
If anyone else out there is a crazed Muppet fan, and feels like having something translated into Swedish Chef-ese (or even Elmer Fudd-ese), just click here.
If you thought that it was just me who is this crazy, check out the love that Google has for the Swedish Chef. Click here.
I thought this was good for a chuckle, and I know a few of you who will REALLY appreciate it! Enjoy! Thanks dad for my love of all things Muppet. I leave you with a hearty Bork, bork, bork!
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