Great Loss

It's been a week now since the pastor of my parish passed away. After all of the shock and commotion, it's finally starting to sink in. Fr. Art was a great man and a great friend to me. He helped me through one of the roughest times in my life, and for that I will be eternally grateful. He was that rare person that could bring a smile to anyone's face at anytime. He had a great love for his parish and lived life enthusiastically. The whole parish loved him. We all have a lot to learn from him.
As I sat making plans for tomorrow, I found myself getting excited to see Fr. Art at Mass tomorrow morning, and then I realized that I won't see him. I still can't comprehend life without him, and I know a lot of people are feeling the same way. Although I know that he is with God, in my own selfishness, I miss him.
Thank you Fr. Art for taking the time to be my friend, and thank you God for letting him into my life. Take good care of him.
Thanks for writing this.
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