Life among the dead

Finally! A breath of fresh air amongst the vapid sameness of network television! Pushing Daisies is a unique, charming, funny and polished sitcom. What could be so great about a show that is primarily about death? Plenty!
Pushing Daisies is a "grown-up" fairy tale of sorts. Narrated as though it were a children's classic, it immediately sucks the viewer into the bizarre life of its lead character...and we buy every minute of it. In a world where sitcoms come and go, we are presented with many that the networks are "just trying". Most of the time, the characters aren't fully developed, and the writers haven't found their stride. This is not such a show. The acting is wonderful, (Ellen Greene is ALWAYS a welcome addition to any show, as is Kristen Chenoweth). It's beautifully shot, with bold, vibrant colors. The characters are fully layered, and the writing is intelligent and witty.
I'm hoping this show makes it. It's about time we have some real variety come into our homes. :)
"A hug is an emotional heimlich." - From "Pushing Daisies"
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